Shariah Advisory Council

Mufti Hassan Ashraf Usmani
Mufti Hassan Usmani is the son of Saud Usmani, grandson of Mufti Shafti Shafi Usmai who was the father of Justice (R.) Mufti Muhammad Tiqi Usmani, Mufti Rafi Usmani & Prof. (R.) Wali Razi. He holds double masters; one in Islamic Studies and second in Arabic. He is MS in Islamic Banking & Finance with additional PHD in Islamic Banking & Finance (Research work under progress). He has graduated from Jamia Ashrafia with additional specialization (Takhassus) in Islamic Fiqh and fatwa writing (Mufti Course) from Darul Ifta Mahad At-Tirmizi. Currently he is working as Rafeeq Darul Ifta (Mufti) in Darul Ifta Jamia Ashrafia Lahore. He is the Head of Halal Advisory & In-charge trainings & courses in center of Islamic Finance CIF-COMSATS University Lahore Campus. Over time he remind associated with numbers of academic institutes and universities as member visiting faculty such as Minhaj University, Punjab University, Bahria University, The Institute of Bankers Pakistan (IBP), Mahad At-Tirmizi etc. Mufti Usmani holds vast experience of Halal Auditing with renowned Certification bodies such as TUV Austria and SNNAHA. He is also the Executive Director of International Halal Assurance-IHA. He is also the founder of Significant Training Center-STC. Mufti Hassan Usmani is associated with number of international projects with different organizations located in various countries at different points of time, such as Islamic Relief; UK, GASAM; Turkey, GHA; Fiji Islands, Halal block chain; South Africa etc.
Ali Ashraf Usmani
Expert in Islamic banking, accounting, Shariah audit and compliance. Proficient in Islamic banking and accounting. Ali leads Shariah Audit as the acting unit head. He has a great deal of experience leading specialized functions. Ali is also a Shariah trainer with expertise in teaching Islamic Banking & Finance. Ali is a tech-savvy accountant with a passion for learning. Having a strong audit background and specializing in gaps, he has experience in Shariah products and departments and their processes.

Dr. Uzair Ashraf Usmani
Having more than eight years of work experience in Halal Food, Shariah Audit, a trainer, and a professional banker, Uzair Usmani (Mphil-PHD) has a range of Shariah based skills. Internationally affiliated with financial institutions and educational institutions. Dedicated to teaching Islamic Banking & Finance internationally as a qualified Shariah trainer. He possesses extensive knowledge of Islamic jurisprudence, as well as Islamic finance and Halal food management.